Re: Help with modal dialog

I got farther by installing a signal handler that I catch in the
container class/object. Now if I am viewing the dialog, and hit escape,
it closes, the dialog is destroyed, and I can create it again later.

However, if I mouse click the Red X in the upper right corner of the
dialog box (in Windows), the close routine is called, the dialog box
container object is deleted and its pointer nullified, BUT the dialog
box remains on screen.

What am I doing wrong?

void MainWindow::viewlog()
  if (!syslogdialog) {
    DEBUG("Creating new System log dialog box")
    syslogdialog = new SystemlogDialog(0);
    // syslogdialog->getDialog() returns a GtkDialog *
    // Attach a signal that knows how to handle closing this dialog.
"close",        G_CALLBACK (on_close_system_log_activate), gpointer(this));
"delete-event", G_CALLBACK (on_close_system_log_activate), gpointer(this));
  else {
      DEBUG("NOT creating new System log dialog box")
      // Nothing else to do because the dialog already exists and is
      // on screen. If it ever comes to a point where that dialog is
      // to below the main window (which doesn't happen, I guess because
it is
      // a dialog), then we would need to "raise" it or call its "grab
      // routine?

// A static method
void MainWindow::on_close_system_log_activate(GtkDialog *dlg, gpointer
  // I'm guessing dlg == syslogdialog
  ((MainWindow *) user_data)->on_close_system_log();

void MainWindow::on_close_system_log()
  DEBUG("Destroying system log dialog")
  delete syslogdialog;
  syslogdialog = NULL;

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