Re: Newest GTK platform

But can all GTK´progams run without problems on a Wayland platform ?

On 07-04-2017 17:22, Chris Moller wrote:
Yes, Fedora comes with Wayland as the default, and probably two-thirds of the code I write involves GTK+.
I recommend Fedora--I just find it easier to keep updated, and find 
packages for than, Ubuntu.
Disclaimer: I used to work for Red Hat, though not on the Fedora side.

On 04/07/17 09:18, tr wrote:

Currently I use Cent-OS for GTK-dev, we are moving to GTK-3.
Cent-OS hasn't the latest GTK-versions, so which do you recommend ?
I don't want to download sources and compile, so I'm looking for a Linux dist, which has the newest versions.
Ubuntu or Fedora ?

I've heard that Fedora comes with Wayland as default.

Is GTK and X still safe to develop, now Wayland is coming ?

Regards Thomas

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