Re: coordinate system context for a drawing area uses (relative to get_allocation)

Thanks Tadej.

That's a very good reference.

(Also, thanks for creating a tutorial on using glade some years back,
which i found useful.)


On Mon, May 15, 2017 at 12:25 AM, Tadej Borovšak <tadeboro gmail com> wrote:
On Sat, May 13, 2017 at 05:00:43PM -0700, Dan Hitt wrote:
So it appears that when you draw in a drawing area, using commands
like (cairo_)move_to and (cairo_)line_to, the path is rendered
relative to the top left of the area.

More explicitly, if you try to figure out how far you can draw, the x
and y values from get_allocation(...) are not relevant, only the width
and height.

Or in other words, the location at the top left of the drawing area
has coordinates (0, 0) and at the bottom right has coordinates (width,
height), rather than (x, y) and (x+width, y+height), at least as far
as primitives like move_to and line_to are concerned.

This sure seems to be true on my system (debian stretch) using gtk3,
but if i'm wrong, please correct me.
Yes, you are correct, things do work this way.

Also, is this documented anywhere, or am i the only person clueless
enough to try to get to the top left by going to the x,y returned by
get_allocation, instead of to (0,0)?
This is documented in the draw signal docs [1].



Tadej Borovšak
tadeboro gmail com
tadej borovsak gmail com

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