Re: Searching for text in PDF files is wrong


I think the mark_text(...) function can be simplified.
Check also open_page(...).


Feliz Natal

Osmo Antero <osmoma gmail com> escreveu no dia quarta, 19/12/2018 à(s)


This code might work even you resize the window.
Please see:

It draws the selected text in the "draw" event.

ps. I hard coded the PDF_DOC and FIND_TEXT values.

Feliz Natal,
  moma, Portugal

Marius Gedminas <marius gedmin as> escreveu no dia segunda, 3/12/2018
à(s) 17:12:

On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 09:56:12PM +0100, Радомир Хаџић via
gtk-app-devel-list wrote:
I use poppler_page_find_text() to find text in PDF files. This returns
GList of pointers to PopplerRectangles. Then I use
poppler_page_render_selection() to mark the found text.

What is wrong is that PopplerRectangles returned by
poppler_page_find_text() are incompatible with those that
poppler_page_render_selection() requests, which is why the wrong text
is selected.

I have found that to make those two compatible, I have to do the
following to PopplerRectangles returned by poppler_page_find_text():
1) SWAP(rectangle.x1, rectangle.x2);
2) SWAP(rectangle.y1, rectangle.y2);
3) rectangle.y1 = page_height - rectangle.y1;
4) rectangle.y2 = page_height - rectangle.y2;
But this does not solve the problem because the marked text cycles
between right and wrong again while resizing the window.


You're doing in-place coordinate conversions in your drawing code.
Every expose event will change the coordinates event, which is why
you're seeing the flip-flopping.

Do the conversion only once, or use a local temporary PopplerRectangle
variable and avoid in-place conversions.

(I'm not familiar with poppler's APIs and cannot say if your conversion
code is correct.)

Marius Gedminas
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