Re: TreeView - set border on individual cells

Update, I worked out how to get rid of highlight

1 treeview->set selection mode(none)
2 treeview->signal_connect(row_activated =>sub{

Not exact code, but this is process that worked for me

Would still be useful if I could find out about borders though

On Fri, 5 Apr 2019, 08:03 , <codemusings gmail com> wrote:

Am Donnerstag, den 04.04.2019, 23:04 +0100 schrieb Mike Martin via gtk-
Is this possible?

I did originally plan to have certain cells have a background colour
emphasize that there is a value to change. However as soon as the row
selected this is all wiped out by the highlight from selected row

So is it possible to set the borders on a cell by cell basis, all I
find is overall properties for the trreview

I don't have a definitive answer for you. But just as a headsup: you
can inspect every GTK component's CSS properties interactively while
running the program. You can even live edit the properties.

Here's a guide:

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