Re: ANNOUNCE: Phasing out GTK mailing lists and move to Discord

On 03/18/2019 12:02 PM, Emmanuele Bassi via gtk-app-devel-list wrote:
Hi all;

as announced in:

we have created a Discourse instance available at:

RIP gtk-app-devel.

I hope this discourse thing succeeds. Personally I find it just another
awkward, cumbersome run of the mill QA site. The mailing list should be
preserved. But what do I know? I've only seen about 90% of these migrations to
forum like sites lose users and community involvement over the past 20 years.
Here's to hoping that gtk-app-devel-list will be one of the 10%.

What is the technological hold-up to doing both? Listserves are no cost simple
implementations that should be able to mirror posts from discourse to the
existing list and vice-versa. That would seem to be the way to go until you
have some assurance that discourse will preserve community involvement instead
of just doing it on hope.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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