Re: PROPOSAL: revise GLib message system

Tim Janik <> writes:


> to have warning, error and message handlers be implemented on a
> per-library basis, i'd like to propose to rename
> g_error to _g_error
> g_warning to _g_warning
> g_message to _g_message
> and additionally have
> void g_glib_error   (const gchar *format, ...);
> void g_glib_warning (const gchar *format, ...);
> void g_glib_message (const gchar *format, ...);
> GErrorFunc   g_set_glib_error_handler   (GErrorFunc   func);
> GWarningFunc g_set_glib_warning_handler (GWarningFunc func);
> GPrintFunc   g_set_glib_message_handler (GPrintFunc func);
> and then have this in glib.h:
> #define	g_error		g_glib_error
> #define	g_warning	g_glib_warning
> #define	g_message	g_glib_message
> #endif	/* GLIB_INTERNAL */
> #ifndef	g_error
> #define	g_error		_g_error
> #endif	/* g_error */
> #ifndef	g_warning
> #define	g_warning	_g_warning
> #endif	/* g_warning */
> #ifndef	g_message
> #define	g_message	_g_message
> #endif	/* g_message */
> if we then compile the glib *.c files with -DGLIB_INTERNAL, all the warnings
> and errors from within glib will be routed through the g_glib_* functions,
> while the current behaviour is still provided on the application level.
> to get specialized warning, error and message handlers for gtk, we just need
> to trade the
> #include <gdk/gdk.h>
> in the header files with something like
> #include <gtk/gtkbase.h>
> and have this in gtkbase.h:
> #ifdef  GTK_INTERNAL
> #define g_error         _gtk_error
> #define g_warning       _gtk_warning
> #define g_message       _gtk_message
> #endif  /* GTK_INTERNAL */
> #include <gdk/gdk.h>
> /* the following functions should most probably go into gtkmain.h */
> void _gtk_error   (const gchar *format, ...);
> void _gtk_warning (const gchar *format, ...);
> void _gtk_message (const gchar *format, ...);
> GErrorFunc   gtk_set_error_handler   (GErrorFunc   func);
> GWarningFunc gtk_set_warning_handler (GWarningFunc func);
> GPrintFunc   gtk_set_message_handler (GPrintFunc func);
> of course all gtk*.c files need to be compiled with -DGTK_INTERNAL.
> the same scheme can be applied to gdk and -especially- gnome, which
> introduces a bunch of different libraries. keep in mind, that nothing
> will change on the application level with the new scheme, programmers
> have just to explicitely overload the message handlers of underlying
> libraries if they really intend to catch those as well.
> on a related note, i think the current g_return_val_if_fail (1 == 2, 0);
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: file gwarn.c: line 6 (main): assertion "1 == 2" failed.
> should better produce
> > 
> > ** WARNING **: file gwarn.c: line 6 (main): assertion failed: "1 == 2"
> also, people should refrain from using g_print() inside of libraries and
> better go for g_message() for informational purposes, since g_print()
> is of actuall use on the application side to print into a special
> purpose messaging window or something the like, which is not supposed
> to contain debugging information of the underlying libraries.
> since g_print() is usually used for debugging statements, it might be a
> good idea to implement an additional g_debug() call, similar to the
> current g_message() function.
> g_debug() could even be combined with existing debug keys, such as
> gdk_debug_flags, so code portions like
>   if (gdk_debug_flags & (GDK_DEBUG_EVENTS | GDK_DEBUG_DND))
>     g_print ("GDK_DROP_LEAVE\n");
> #endif
> could be written as (inside gdk):
> and would produce:
> > Gdk-Message: GDK_DROP_LEAVE
> i'm curious to hear peoples comments on this isuue, and will most probably
> go for the implementation of this in gtk, gdk and glib after a few days if
> no one stands up and objects ;)

Objection, your honor!

I think defining g_warning (etc.) to do different things in different
places, is evil preprocessor magic, and should be avoided. All
the unprefixed g_* should be left to behave as is. (On the surface).

Then, add:

 g_info (GQuark who, GSeverity severity, message, ...)
 g_infov (GQuark who, GSeverity severity, message, va_list args)
 g_info_set_handler (GQuark who, GSeverity severity, GInfoHandler handler);

[ Maybe make GSeverity a flags field so the same handler could
  handle a set of warning? ]

On GCC, we can #define gtk_warning appropriately on systems without
varargs macros, it needs to be a wrapper function (or we can make it
an inline function) - in any case, we write:

 gtk_warning ("unable to register error handler")

and even
 gtk_return_if_fail (x != 0);

(The biggest CVS commit ever?)

Even if people decide they _really_ want to have g_warning magically
do different things in different source files, I do think we should do
something like the g_info() scheme internally, so every library and
every application doesn't have to duplicate all the handlers.

 Automagical macros really need to be in uppercase - to at least
 let the user know something odd is going on.

 #ifndef G_MODULE 
 #define G_MODULE G

 #define G_WARNING G_MODULE##_warning

 gcc -DG_MODULE=gtk foo.c

 would be better. (Though sprinkling the source code with


 will make the source code much less pretty.


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