Re: gdate integration

On Tue, 1 Dec 1998, Francois-Xavier KOWALSKI wrote:
> I use to work on a "Year 2000 compliance" project. The way to do it is 
> to make the software rely on the ANSI implementation rightness,
> i.e. use standard date management system. If you do not use these
> structs + funcs, you do rely on the OS (in a marketing sense) on a
> date point of view.
> IMHO, should be better to use (at least internally) the struct tm &
> its folks.

There's no way to rely on struct tm and ANSI C for the functionality,
because struct tm and C do not provide the functionality. When they do
(e.g. for strftime), I've used those functions.

GDate is Y2K compliant though. It actually works up to the year 65535 or
so.:-) (Though I have no idea why you'd want it to...)


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