Re: New 'GObject' as base for GtkObject?

>  - gtk arguments are a pretty poor abstraction of per-object properties, they
>    just provide very primitive type information like int, pointer, float and
>    it is impossible to monitor object state changes because an object
>    property changes are not routed through the argument system exclusively.
>    (one of the GnomeCanvas' biggest problems is the lack of notification
>    upon argument changes, so it's for instance hard to keep track of the
>    movement of a GnomeCanvasItem, eventhough it does route all item changes
>    throguh the argument system).

I have one comment about this.

The canvas is a display engine.  It is not designed to be your main
data structure.  You should know where your canvas items are; after
all you put them there in the first place.

For applications where you want to use the canvas correctly as a
display engine, you should use a model/view architecture, and
implement the view(s) in terms of canvas items.


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