Re: New 'GObject' as base for GtkObject?

> This, I think, would also help another issue I'm struggling with right
> now: "easily" creating Perl bindings for the objects.  From the gnome-perl
> package it seems as if there is object-system support code scattered all
> over the place, making it extremely difficult to figure out how on earth
> to create a standalone Perl binding for an object hierarchy such as mine.
> With appropriate tools, i.e. a modified form of SWIG, creating bindings
> could be truly a piece of cake.

I have code that parses GTK object information from header and
source (for the signal info) files. It then generates Eiffel
wrappers to mirror the GTK objects in Eiffel. It would be a
simple matter to extend my system to output some language
other than Eiffel. I looked at extending SWIG but decided that
because of the GTK OO stuff I'd be better to start over.

Now creating the my Eiffel binding is truly a piece of cake.

The system is called the GOTE converter (GTK+ Objects To Eiffel)
It is GPLed, you can get it here:
or here:
cvs -d login (no password)
cvs -d checkout eiflibs/GOTE

Development is discussed a little on

Contributions welcome


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