Re: bug in file sel dialog?

Jeff Garzik <> writes:

> I saw this in gnumeric, but it may affect other proggies as well.
> 1) Open gnumeric's Save As dialog, select a file, click 'delete file' at
> top of dialog.  The "are you sure" dialog appears, but you cannot click
> either the 'delete' or 'cancel' buttons.  Both are sensitive yet
> un-clickable. 

This sounds like the "Really Delete" dialog isn't getting set
modal so the modality of the file selection dialog is still
taking effect.

However, gtkfileselection does handle this correctly if
you use gtk_window_set_modal(), so this sounds like a gnumeric
bug. [ for comparison, try the "Modal Dialogs" test in testgtk ]
> 2) After selecting a file, click in the text entry widget for filename
> entry.  Now click 'delete file' at top.

And what happens? This works fine for me in testgtk.


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