Re: File Dialog

	Would it be possible to add a modified TAB completion
feature?  This could be done in two ways:

	1) While typing, the file list reflects only the matched
files.  So after typing the letters "ran" you would only see files with
names like "random_notes.txt", "ranFromMyParents.doc", "ransom.c",
etc.  This would update as you type.

	2) Something more like IE's URL entry widget.  As you type, it
adjusts a drop down list in a similar way, and "suggests" possibilities
which you press a key to accept.  (say...  TAB?)

On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, Luke Holden wrote:

> > A feature I'd like to see (and others), is the ability to enable a
> > multiple file selection feature.  I imagine this would return a GSList
> > of files that the user has chosen.  I've seen several applications now
> > that hack into the filesel's GtkList to allow multiple selection.
> Good idea, noted :)
> > I also support the work you guys are doing.  If you can get a good
> > filesel up that improves on the current one, and we can get it bug free,
> > I can't see why it shouldn't go in.  Most of this of course, depends on
> > the quality of the code for this new widget, and I think this is a
> > reasonable thing to judge for inclusion.
> Sounds great :)
> -- 
> Luke
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