Re: [Gtkfilesel-devel] Re: File Dialog

	Can somebody post a screenshot of the Amiga filesel widget?  All I
have now is an A1000... a bit out of date :)


On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Johan Hanson wrote:

-> Anders Melchiorsen wrote:
-> > 
-> > Kent Schumacher <> wrote:
-> > 
-> > > How about we have a fileselector that is really good at selecting
-> > > files [...]
-> > 
-> > I seem to recall that the file selectors of req.library and
-> > reqtools.library on the Amiga were quite efficient to use.
-> I wrote a clone of these for more than a year ago. It was also
-> binary compatible with the existing file selector.
-> It became an unstable kludge that was often locked up in infinite loops
-> in normal use. It would be better to write one from scratch, but
-> I can mail you the source code if you want it.
-> I did not rewrite it, but I did contribute with a lot of ideas in the
-> gnome-gui list. I expected the bonobo-file list component people to 
-> honor the list's conclusions, and I heard that they had already got
-> far coding.
-> > Unfortunately I cannot quite recall *why* I found them so pleasant to
-> > use and the Amiga concepts may not map to *nix - but this might be one
-> > place to do some research.
-> I believe keyboard navigation. Amiga did not support "tabbing" between
-> widgets so the filename entry field and the file list *both* had focus
-> at all times. (or so it felt)
-> These two widgets were connected: type letters in the filename entry
-> field and the list would scroll to the first closest matching entry.
-> Click a filename and it would be printed in the filename entry.
-> Also, if you typed a directory name in the directory box and hit
-> RETURN, the dialog would chdir there.
-> You could also scroll using the up/down cursor keys, which was
-> what I did most.
-> Greetings
-> / Johan
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