normal buttons don't get down when pressed with SPACE or ENTER

Hi there,
Normal buttons get down when pressed with the mouse, and then get up
when released with the mouse.
But when you press space or enter over the button, the button doesn't
draw correctly. Currently, the button doesn't move, so the user doesn't
get the feeling of a pressed button with the keyboard.
This only happens with normal buttons, because toggle, check and radio
ones get drawn correctly when you use the keyboard over them.
Moreover, the buttons don't get the pressed or released signals when
pressed or released through the keyboard, only the clicked signal. This
doesn't happen with the mouse.
I think this makes the GTK GUI someway non-homogeneus.
I tried to fix this on the source of GTK+-1.2.6, but I am missing
something I can't solve.
Do I submit this as a bug?

By the way, how do I search through the CVS tree of GTK, and download a
branch? I have followed the GTK faq with no luck accessing the server.

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