Re: GObject is slow

Alexander Larsson <alla lysator liu se> writes:

> I've been doing some profiling of GtkFB to find out bottlenecks in the
> rasterization code. But looking at the profiles show that rasterization
> isn't even at the top. Instead i see a lot of functions from the GObject
> type checking code.
> Here is the top of a profile on a testgtk run using GtkFB @ 1024x768
> 16bit. glib+pango+gtk+ is compiled with -O2 -g  and -DG_DISABLE_ASSERT

I think you'll see better results if you use G_DISABLE_CAST_CHECKS -
all the stuff at the top of your profile except for the rendering
code seems to be cast checks...

(Not that it wouldn't be good if GTK+ was fast even with checking
turned on.)


[ Also, could you put the full profile results up somewhere - its a 
  bit hard for me to make sense of the straight profile without
  the call graph info ]  

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