region to bitmap conversion functions

	I have uploaded a patch (gtk-rsteinke-001130-0.patch.gz) to
containing functions for converting GdkBitmap to/from GdkRegion. This patch
contains the new functions:

GdkRegion* gdk_region_create_from_bitmap
                         (GdkBitmap      *bitmap,
                          gint           *width,
                          gint           *height);
GdkBitmap* gdk_bitmap_create_from_region
                         (GdkRegion *region,
                          gint width,
                          gint height);

gdk_region_create_from_bitmap creates a region containing all the points
which are set in the bitmap. It will also return the width and
height if (optional) pointers are passed to the function.

gdk_bitmap_create_from_region creates a bitmap in which all the
points contained in the given region are set. The bitmap starts
at (0,0), and extends to the width and height passed by the function
call. If -1 is passed as width or height, the appropriate dimension
of the bitmap will be determined from the clipbox containing the
						Ron Steinke

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