Re: glib outstanding stuff

Hi Havoc,

> > Would't it make more sense to check for all flags to be true, something
> > like:
> Honestly with this set of 4 tests I think it doesn't make sense to
> have a bitfield at all; it should just be an enum.
> When I had a longer list of tests, some of them made sense both ways.
> For example, you want to require both tests to be true for "EXISTS |
> SETGID". But then there are tests where you want either to be true:
> "ISFIFO | ISSOCKET" or something.
> The ones where you want both to be true are almost always EXISTS |
> FOO. But FOO implies exists anyway. So that doesn't seem so useful.
> So with these semantics I'm planning to support something like ISFIFO
> | ISSYMLINK. What do you think?

Actually now I agree that it simply doesn't matter. Just chose one and
document it. 

Sebastian Wilhelmi                   |            här ovanför alla molnen
mailto:wilhelmi ira uka de           |     är himmlen så förunderligt blå   |

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