Re: Focusing

Yasushi Shoji <yashi yashi com> writes:

> At 05 Oct 2000 16:32:54 -0400,
> otaylor redhat com wrote:
> > 5) Hitting the down arrow key within a hbox moves right,
> > and so forth. This is quite confusing to users. Moving
> > down from an hbox should move off the end of the hbox
> > and to the next widget downwards in the parent container.
> > Fixing this basically means revising the default container
> > focus implementation to remove the wrapping around when
> > you get to one side of the container.
> i dont' know Gtk+ already do this or not but i just got curious
> reading this paragraph.
> does Gtk+ allows users to customize focus direction when tab is
> pressed?  I mean, when you are using Gtk+ app under some locale, which
> language writes right to left, shouldn't the focus on hbox move from
> right to left?
> I don't speak thouse languages and never used Gtk+ apps under those
> locale, so i might be way off.

should change with the widget direction.

It's not done yet, but it would be about 3 minutes to do it.


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