gtkrc grammar

	I've thrown together some notes on the gtkrc2.0 file format
that vaguely like a grammar. I'm just posting it as an offering to
google or to anyone else who wants to clean it up ...

Good Luck,
                              gtkrc File Grammar
                             Wed 19 December, 2001
                        Mark McLoughlin <mark skynet ie>

        A crufty BNF style grammar compiled by browsing the code. Most likely
wrong in some places.

Possible Locations

        1. GTK_SYSCONFDIR/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
        2. ~/.gtkrc-2.0
        3. ~/.themes/$(name)/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
        4. ~/.themes/$(name)/gtk-2.0-$(type)/gtkrc
        5. $(theme_dir)/$(name)/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
        6. $(theme_dir)/$(name)/gtk-2.0-$(type)/gtkrc


<toplevel> :
        ( <include> | <style> | <binding> | <pixmap_path>
          <widget> | <widget_class> | <class>  | <module_path> |
          <im_module_path> | <im_module_file> | <setting> ) *

<include> : include <string>:

        => include another gtkrc file.

<style> : style <string> [ '=' <string> ] '{'
        <bg> | <fg> | <text> | <base> | <xthickness> | <ythickness> |
        <bg_pixmap> | <font> | <fontset> | <font_name> | <engine> |
        <stock> | <widget_prop_assignment>
        ) *

        => the style name. an optional parent style.

<binding> : binding <string> '{'
        <bind> *

        => a set of key bindings

<pixmap_path> : <string>

        => a path to search for pixmaps ?

<widget> : widget <path>

<widget_class> :  widget_class <path>

<class> : class <path>

        => setting a binding or style to a widget.

<module_path> : module_path <string> 

<im_module_path> : module_path <string> 

<im_module_file> : module_path <string> 

        => search paths ?

<setting> : <string> <assigment>

        => global setting ?

<bind> : bind <string> '{' <signal> '}'

<signal> : <string> '(' [ ( <param> ',' ) * ] <param> ')'

<param> : [ '-' ] <int> | <float> | <string>

<path> : <string> ( style | binding ) [ ':' <priority> ] <string>

<priority> : ( lowest | gtk | application | theme | rc | highest )

<bg> : bg <state> '=' <color>
<fg> : fg <state> '=' <color>

        => a background/foreground color for a certain state.

<text> : text <state> '=' <color>
<base> : base <state> '=' <color>

        => style->text and style->base colors.

<xthickness> : xthickness '=' <int>
<ythickness> : ythickness '=' <int>

        => style->xthickness and style->ythickness.

<bg_pixmap> : bg_pixmap '=' ( <string> | "<parent>" | "<none>" )

        => backgroud pixmap.

<font> : font '=' <string>

        => ignored.
<fontset> : fontset '=' <string>

        => ignored.

<font_name> : font_name '=' <string>

        => passed to pango_font_description_from_string.

<engine> : engine <string> '{'


        => the engine is parsed elsewhere.

<stock> : stock '[' <string> ']' '=' '{'
        <string> [ ','
        ( "LTR" | "RTL" | '*' ) [ ','
        ( <normal> | <active> | <prelight> |
          <selected> | <insensitive> | '*') [ ','
        ( '*' | <string> ) ] ] ]

        => stockid, left-to-right/right-to-left, state, size.

        => size can be something like "gtk-menu" or "gtk-large-toolbar"

<widget_prop_assignment> : <string> ':' ':' <string> <assignment>

        => property identifier like "GtkScrollbar::spacing"

<assignment> : '=' [ '-' ] ( <int> | <float> | <string> | <compound> )

        => haven't figured out compound.

<state> : '[' ( <normal> | <active> | <prelight> |
                <selected> | <insensitive> )

<normal> : NORMAL
<active> : ACTIVE
<prelight> : PRELIGHT
<selected> : SELECTED
<insensitive> : INSENSITIVE

<color> : ( '{' ( <int> | <float> ),
              ( <int> | <float> ),
              ( <int> | <float> )
            '}' |

        => either an rgb or a string passed to gdk_color_parse.

<string> : ( '\'' char * '\'' | '"' char * '"' )

        => double quoted strings can take escaped values e.g. '\n'

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