Re: root window/ screen /display

Shaun Savage <ssavage infomatec de> writes:
> I am new to gdk but I have looked at the code from the cvs 2001/02/03. 
>  I am tring to write a "Window Manager" using gdk, NOT X11.  In the
> future
> there may be frame buffer instead of X.  To support this I am trying to
> get one of 
> display/screen/root_window from gdk. But the is GDKFBDisplay for frame
> buffer and Display for X.  And GdkFBWindow and Window for the
> gdk_root_window.  
> Is there a function the normalizes the lower level window to GdkWindow?
> With this I can then create a WM using gdk.

You would need a whole lot more than just a root window handle to
write a WM with GDK. 

GDK is an abstraction layer over multiple windowing systems - not all
those systems even have a window manager concept, and they don't all
have a display or a root window. So if you want to use
windowing-system-specific features, you have to write
windowing-system-specific code.

Basically it's impossible to write a window manager with GDK, at least
without using gdk/gdkx.h to access X-specific details.


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