Re: pkg-config and glib

Wolfgang Sourdeau <wolfgang contre com> writes:
> Ok. I understand. But wouldn't it be cleaner to make it totally
> glib-independent ?

Yeah, except that I'm too lazy to write my own hash tables and lists
and stuff, and see no real reason to. There's no harm done by
including glib other than the size of the tarball on ftp download.

> I have debianized it and sent my patch to Martijn van Beers
> <martijn earthling net> which was listed in AUTHORS as the maintainer.
> Was it the correct person ? Knowing how obsolete certain GNOME related
> informations are... ;-)

I can check in patches, and Martijn can. I may already be sitting on
one or two unresponsively though, we need a bug tracker for it. ;-)
I guess SourceForge may have one...


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