Re: Implement WM hints spec (bug 50079)

> MODAL, STICKY, SKIP_TASKBAR, and SKIP_PAGER seem like totally
> unrelated hints - perhaps we should lump these in to an existing GDK
> hints-setting function? Actually I think simply
> gdk_window_set_sticky(), gdk_window_set_skip_taskbar(),
> gdk_window_set_skip_pager() would be more intuitive. For the modal
> hint, gdk_window_set_modal() strikes me as confusing since this hint
> is kind of an FYI for the window manager, rather than actually
> implementing modality, while e.g. set_sticky() actually makes the
> window sticky. Unless I'm totally wrong about that.
> Anyway, if MODAL is just a hint to the WM to maybe display things
> differently, I would suggest adding it to the window type hint:
>  typedef enum
>  {
>  } GdkWindowTypeHint;
> It seems to make sense there to me. So this GDK function would
> sometimes use the WM spec and sometimes not.

Actually I think we should drop DOCK and DESKTOP from this. They're not
of general interest, or usefull for Gtk+ internals.

> We should coordinate efforts, how about I do the GDK_WINDOW_STATE
> thing and the StateChanged event, since I have that half-done - if you
> want to do the window type hints (and make GTK use the GDK feature,
> e.g. in gtkdialog.c) I'll stay out of your way. Also I don't plan to
> go through the WM spec exhaustively in the near future; we should at
> least make a list of all features that we think should be exported
> from GDK in some way and add a comment to bugzilla with that list.

Sounds good.

The things we should support, apart from the ones we already do is:
 Working on this.

 Havoc is working on it

 Will look at later.

 Have patch.

/ Alex

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