RE: Possible Win32 bug: gdk_draw_pixmap and GtkAdjustment

Can anyone shed some light on these issues, or am I walking through barren
lands again?

Thank you.

>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Michael Mitton  
> Sent:	Wednesday, February 21, 2001 8:45 AM
> To:	Gtk-Devel-List (E-mail)
> Subject:	Possible Win32 bug: gdk_draw_pixmap and GtkAdjustment
> I seem to be finding a lot of bugs right now...
> Here's what I found this time.  Again, using the .dll's from
> Are these new bugs, or are they known?  I'll make a sample program for you
> if they're new.
> Thank you
> -Michael
> 1.	gdk_draw_pixmap(widget->window, gc, widget->window, ...) (ie, used
> for moving text during a scoll) will freeze the machine. (note the src and
> dest are the same)  Problem is "fixed" when I create a temporary pixmap
> and use that as an in-between.  I've verified all of the variables used
> here are sane.
> Here's the code snip...
> #ifdef __CYGWIN__
>   //  This is what needs to be run under windows
>   temp = gdk_pixmap_new(widget->window, width, count * term->charheight,
> -1);
>   gdk_draw_pixmap(temp,
> 		  term->scroll_gc, /* must use this to generate expose
> events */
> 		  widget->window,
> 		  offx, offy + (firstrow + offset) * term->charheight,
> 		  0, 0,
> 		  width, count*term->charheight);
>   gdk_draw_pixmap(widget->window,
> 		  term->scroll_gc, /* must use this to generate expose
> events */
> 		  temp,
> 		  0, 0,
> 		  offx, offy + firstrow * term->charheight,
> 		  -1, -1);
>   gdk_pixmap_unref(temp);
> #else
>   //  This is the original code that works fine under Linux
>   gdk_draw_pixmap(widget->window,
> 		  term->scroll_gc,
> 		  widget->window,
> 		  offx, offy + (firstrow + offset) * term->charheight,
> 		  offx, offy + firstrow * term->charheight,
> 		  width, count*term->charheight);
> #endif
> 2.	Modification of the values in the GtkAdjustment structure seem to
> freeze the machine too.  I haven't found a work-around for this yet.  I've
> verified all of the variables used here are sane.
> Here's the code snip...
> static void 
> zvt_term_fix_scrollbar (ZvtTerm *term)
> {
> #ifdef __CYGWIN__
>   //  Have not found a fix yet
> #else
>   //  This is the original code that works fine under Linux
>   GTK_ADJUSTMENT(term->adjustment)->upper = 
>     term->vx->vt.scrollbacklines + term->vx->vt.height - 1;
>   GTK_ADJUSTMENT(term->adjustment)->page_increment = 
>     term->vx->vt.height - 1;
>   GTK_ADJUSTMENT(term->adjustment)->page_size =
>     term->vx->vt.height - 1;
>   GTK_ADJUSTMENT(term->adjustment)->value = 
>     term->vx->vt.scrollbackoffset + term->vx->vt.scrollbacklines;
>   gtk_signal_emit_by_name (GTK_OBJECT (term->adjustment), "changed");
> #endif
> }

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