Re: GtkLabel patch

Alexander Larsson <alla lysator liu se> writes:

> This patch removes the pattern field from GtkLabel, and moves to a totally
> PangoAttrList centric api. All functions are just different ways of
> setting the attribute list. It needs a recent version of pango, since i
> had to add a boxed type for PangoAttrList.
> Included is an cleaned up and fixed version of lee's GParam patch.
> Can I commit this?

Just when you thought you were getting somewhere...

We (Havoc, Jonathan, and I) discussed this over lunch, and came
to the realization that doing it this way really doesn't work
for a GUI builder. :-(

It needs to be possible to set the markup through the GUI builder,
and likewise add embedded underlines.

 I think it might be best to do it as:

 ::label         - read/write
 ::use_underline - read/write, boolean. If set, ::label has embedded underlines
 ::use_markup    - read/write, boolean. If set, ::label is a GMarkup string
 ::attributes    - read/write. If set, overrides all other markup
                   (underlines and GMarkup markup)

 ::pattern       - write-only, for backwards compat.

So, this is a fair divergence from the standard C API (should the new
parts of the standard C API be changed to patch?) but makes a lot more
sense from the GUI builder point of view.

Does this make sense to people?

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