GLE, property editing (Re: GParamSpec)

On 20 Jun 2001, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> ERDI Gergo <cactus cactus rulez org> writes:
> > 
> > just a small note, but someone may want to revisit these help strings
> > (my immediate reaction to `Window Type: the type of the window' would be
> > 'no shit?')
> > 
> Yeah a lot of them are like that.
> I think once people are using Glade and see them as the property
> labels and tooltips, it will be clearer what sort of things the
> strings should say.

i've done the main chunk of porting GLE over to gtk+2.0 now, it just
went into CVS.
the widget property editor works sufficiently already, and indeed some
of the tooltips displayed look a bit odd, though its already far better
than 1.2 were we had no tooltips at all.

for the ones who want to try out property editing with GLE:

$ cvs co gle
$ cd gle
$ ./ # plus any args you use with gtk
$ make
$ make install
$ cd .../gtk+/tests
$ GTK_MODULES=gle ./testgtk

1) hit ctrl+alt+tab to popup the gle shell (while a testgtk window
   has the focus)
2) use the shell's selector to pick a window who's properties you want to edit
3) right click on this window's proxy set displayed in the shell to get a popup
4) fire up the widget tree dialog from the popu menu
5) right click on widgets in the widget tree to get a popup menu which offers
   a widget property editor

i'm not making any guarrantees that gle won't currently crash you app or
leak like hell, there's some code not yet ported to 2.0 and overall
polishing is also still outstanding.

> Havoc


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