Re: API proposal for charset code conversion at I/O


Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com> writes:

> This is a forward of some notes from a discussion with HideToshi
> Tajima from Sun about what would be necessary to add a useful
> streaming charset conversion API to GIOChannel.

> Now, long-term I'd like to see GIOChannel converted into something
> much nice more full-featured. Along the lines of the 
> Java character/byte streams, or Qt's QTextStream. 

Shouldn't that be a layer build on top of GIOChannels? IMHO GIOChannels
provide a useful abstraction from UNIX sockets and pipes. Adding buffered
IO adds an unnecessary level of complexity. 

> GIOChannel needs to have buffering, and a representation
> of blocking/non-blocking IO.

We (convergence integrated media GmbH) have an IO library build on 
top of GIOChannels that provides buffering and asynchronous operation 
in the GMainLoop. If you are interested, contact me and I will make 
that code available to you. It's scheduled for release under the LGPL 

Salut, Sven

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