Re: GHashTable improvements

Owen Taylor <otaylor redhat com> writes:

> GHashTable* g_hash_table_new_full          (GHashFunc       hash_func,
> 					    GEqualFunc      key_equal_func,
> 					    GDestroyNotify  key_destroy_func,
> 					    GDestroyNotify  value_destroy_func);
>  - In the discussion earlier, there was some idea that g_hash_table_replace()
>    wasn't necessary as long as g_hash_table_insert() called the destroy
>    notify on the key function.
>    The main argument for keeping g_hash_table_replace() then seems
>    to be that you might have a case where key and value are
>    associated:
>     g_hash_table_insert (hash, entry->name, entry);
>    I've done this fairly frequently in the past.

Isn't it better to have

	typedef void (* GHashDestroyNotifyFunc) (gpointer key, gpointer value);

	GHashTable *g_hash_table_new_full (GHashFunc hash_func,
					   GEqualFunc key_equal_func,

That way if you have keys that are associated with the value, you can
destroy both of them in whatever the right way might be.

>  - Do we need g_hash_table_foreach_remove_no_notify() since
>    we have remove_no_notify() and destroy_no_notify()?

Is foreach_remove() really useful?  Don't you usually just want a

Maybe it is a stupid question if people indeed use it; I just happen
to use g_hash_table_foreach_remove() to clear hash tables :)

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