Re: shared library dependencies (again)

On 1 May 2001, Owen Taylor wrote:

> I think there is a problem with going to libtool-1.4 at this point...
> As far as I can tell, it isn't really compatible with automake-1.4
> (because ltconfig no longer exists), and I don't want to require
> people developing GTK+ to install a patched or CVS version of
> automake.

Does it require the ltconfig script, or just a file called ltconfig?  If
it only requires the existence of the file, adding "touch ltconfig" to the
autogen script might be a suitable fix.

The pango build patch looks like a step in the right direction.  Just one
thing that I hadn't thought about:

> > ====
> > for module in $included_modules; do
> >   [...]
> > \\\$(top_builddir)/modules/$dir/libpango-$
> > 	cd \\\$(top_builddir)/modules/$dir && \\\$(MAKE) \\\$(AM_MAKEFLAGS) libpango-$

Will this rule cause libpango-$ to be rebuilt if it is out of
date?  It looks like it will only call make if the module hasn't been
built at all (a second run of make would ensure that everything was up to
date though).  Maybe this is okay though, as it will build correctly from
a clean source tree.

This is a difficult problem to solve.


Email: james daa com au

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