Re: GtkRadioMenuItem set active problem

Owen Taylor wrote:
Jeff Franks <jcf tpg com au> writes:


I've come across a problem with GtkRadioMenuItem. The only way to set
the active item in a group is to call 'gtk_check_menu_item_set_active'
which also emits an 'activate' signal. This is ok when a program is up
and running but when you are initializing a program, emitting an
'activate' signal can be undesireable. When adding a group of
radiomenuitems all you really want to do is let GtkRadioMenuItem know
which way to draw its indicator. Since
'gtk_radio_menu_item_draw_indicator' checks 'GtkCheckMenuItem::active'
before drawing the indicator wouldn't it be reasonable to let
GtkRadioMenuItem have a way to set/unset this flag without emitting an
'activate signal. The best place for this might be as extra parameter
in the 'gtk_radio_menu_item_new' functions.

I don't see this is being any different from a toggle button,
where gtk_toggle_button_set_active() emits ::toggled.

Generally, in response to any sort of change notification, instead of
assuming that a change happened, you should get the current state and
compare it against your internal state.
I was testing GtkRadioMenuItem. While initializiing the main window I was adding a submenu of 4 radiomenutiems. I wanted the previously saved option to be restored when the menu was displayed. As I added the menuitems if the menutitem being added matched the previously saved item I set it to active by calling 'gtk_check_menu_item_set_active'. This emitted an activate signal during program initialization which tried to activate partially initialized code. All I wanted during initialization was to let the radiomenuitems know which one should be drawn active. You can't check the internal state here because it is the default GtkRadioMenuItem state. Remember the program is being initialized and is not yet up and running. I accomplished what I wanted to by directly setting the GtkCheckMenuItem::active flag for each item and everthing works ok.

Since radiomenuitems operate as a group isn't it reasonable, during initialization of a group and before the group is visible, that you can somehow tell the group which item should be drawn in the active state without having an activate signal emitted.

I guess this situation arose because I was writng in C++ using libsig++ and had directly linked the activation to a response using 'bind' during the initialization.


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