Re: [gimpwin-dev] Re: g-libs renaming and DIR emulation

Hans Breuer wrote:
At 11:56 01.10.01 +0300, Tor Lillqvist wrote:


Renaming from glib-$(major.minor).dll
to libglib-$(major.minor.micro).dll

Actually it was from glib-$(major).$(minor).dll to

Recall that libtool *computes* $(major) and $(minor) from the lt_ c:r:a version numbers. They don't (or shouldn't) have much relation to the package "major" and "minor" version numbers, and aren't necessarily equal to "1" and "3" just because the source code release happens to be called glib-1.3.10.tar.gz.

"libglib-1.3-$(lt_current_minus_age).dll" is good. (I don't particularly like including the package revision number "-1.3-" in the DLL name, but that's a "top level" decision. It won't interfere with MSwindows-ish runtime loading. Fine).

From my earlier message in this thread, recall that "lt_current_minus_age" is *exactly* what the libtool people recommend for windows. (See earlier message for analysis and explanation)


I think it is a good idea to have all three ways to build a certain
release of GLib DLLs produce the same name DLLs and import libraries.

Huh ? The whole point of the 'cyg' prefix is to get a different name
for probably incompatible versions of the 'same' dll.

It looks like Tor wasn't arguing against that. Cygwin can still be 'cyg'. He's just saying that msvc-built and mingw-built should have the same prefix. I'm not convinced, but (a) I'm not adamant either way, and (b) my opinion really doesn't matter. :-)

BTW, the latest mingw linker builds DLLs with the "auto-import" support mechanisms (a de-vectorized table of pointers for DATA exports) built in. The msvc versions will not have that support.

Now, if you're using the __declspec(dllexport) modifiers on DATA exports when building under mingw, then this doesn't matter. And of course you *have* to use them on DATA exports when building under MSVC, since microsoft doesn't support Paul Sokolovsky's 'auto-import' scheme that is implemented in current binutils on both cygwin and mingw.

Point: as long as you follow the "old" rules -- careful attention to __declspec(dll*port) -- everything will just work on both MSVC and mingw, and the DLL's will be interoperable. No problems, even though the mingw DLL's will be slightly different. BUT, if you decide set things up so that gtk-config (pkgconfig -gtk, whatever) explicitly uses the auto-import stuff when building under mingw, THEN you have to be careful -- the MSVC dll's won't be able to support that usage.

IOW, mingw DLL's can be used by mingw and MSVC, but MSVC dll's can only be used by mingw IFF mingw glib/gtk configurations do NOT access the added auto-import functionality.

But I agree, that glib from msvc and mingw should be named equally
as long as they are interchangeable. Though I still prefer to not
declare libtools 'lib' prefix as new standard for the win32 platform. AFAIK it is possible to use the previous naming scheme with libtool

See above discussion.

Eventually I probably would like to remove the makefile.mingw stuff
altogether, and always use auto*/configure/libtool when bulding with
IMO this is the main difference in our approaches. I always try
to keep the tool chain on windows as short as possible (everything
provided by msvc and perl if there's no way around it).

Maybe it's only my impression that with the standard  *nix tool
chain the auto* stuff is always the weakest link. And if it breaks
one often requires an auto* expert or at least knowledge with
three additional languages (perl, m4, bash).

With simple handwritten makefiles for msvc the chances to not
break the win32 build are much higher. If it breaks it usually
does at the def files, which should be simple to fix for
everyone (and would probably be required for the auto*/mingw built too ...

Having done a lot of porting from *nix to cygwin, I disagree. auto* packages are MUCH easier to port, in general -- except when trying to build DLL's -- which is the whole point of the current discussion, I realize that. However, with upcoming improvements to libtool, even THAT may soon be quite easy.

Custom makefiles seem to have a habit of bitrotting, IMO.

For MSVC users there will still have to be the parallell
makefile.msc files. (Unless one would require MSVC users to have
Cygwin installed, and use the build/win32/cl-wrapper program as
compiler. This does indeed work, at least almost...)

Urk, now *that* is ugly. Okay, I dislike custom makefiles in general, but it seems that MSVC will always be an unwanted stepchild in this respect, and have its own set of .msc makefiles.


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