Re: Bug 63401 - gtk_text_iter_inside_word () and gtk_text_iter_inside_sentence () are senceless?

Vitaly Tishkov <tvv sparc spb su> writes: 
> Is the complete documentation of Pango word/sentence/line breaking algorithms
> available?

I think the docs I'd point to are just in this comment in
  /* There are two ways to divide sentences. The first assigns all
   * intersentence whitespace/control/format chars to some sentence,
   * so all chars are in some sentence; is_sentence_boundary denotes
   * the boundaries there. The second way doesn't assign
   * between-sentence spaces, etc. to any sentence, so
   * is_sentence_start/is_sentence_end mark the boundaries of those
   * sentences.
  guint is_sentence_boundary : 1;
  guint is_sentence_start : 1;  /* first character in a sentence */
  guint is_sentence_end : 1;    /* first non-sentence char after a
  sentence */

> Why Pango is designed to contradict to Unicode standard?

It doesn't contradict it, it provides additional information.
is_sentence_boundary corresponds to the Unicode
standard. is_sentence_start/is_sentence_end mark more intuitive
sentences with whitespace stripped off, but still using the Unicode
algorithm to find sentences. The text widget has convenience functions
using is_sentence_start/is_sentence_end because those are more useful
in most apps.

We should have this documented in the reference guide.


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