GTK+ 1.2.10 style bug


  I don't know if you are going to release 1.2.11,
but I think I'll report this bug anyway.

  If we create a widget and change its style's
bg_pixmap and show it, after we remove the widget
from the container and add to another container, it
will crash. I've attached a small test program to
show the problem.

  The problem is from 1.2.9, gtk_style_detach will
unreference the bg_pixmap. But when we re-attached
the style, the pixmap will be used again.

  We can fix the problem by only unreference the
bg_pixmap when we destroy the style, or set the
bg_pixmap to NULL after we unreference it. I think
unreference when the style is destroyed is a better
idea. What's your opinion? I can create a patch if
you think it is OK.


#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "marble.xpm"

GdkPixmap *pixmap, *bitmap;
GtkWidget *button;
GtkWidget *window, *fixed;
gboolean in_fixed = TRUE;

void ChangeBackground (GtkWidget *widget, GdkPixmap *pixmap)
        GtkStyle  *style;

        style = gtk_widget_get_style (widget);
        if (style->bg_pixmap[0] == pixmap)

        style = gtk_style_copy (style);
        if (pixmap && pixmap != (GdkPixmap*)GDK_PARENT_RELATIVE)
                gdk_pixmap_ref (pixmap);
        if (style->bg_pixmap[0] && style->bg_pixmap[0] !=
                gdk_pixmap_unref (style->bg_pixmap[0]);
        style->bg_pixmap[0] = pixmap;
        gtk_widget_set_style (GTK_WIDGET(widget), style);
        gtk_style_unref (style);

on_button_press_event           (GtkWidget       *widget,
                                 GdkEventButton  *event,
                                 gpointer         data)
  if (in_fixed) {
        gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER(fixed), button);
	in_fixed = FALSE;
  } else {
        gtk_widget_show (button);
        gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (fixed), button, 10, 10);
  	in_fixed = TRUE;

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  gtk_init (&argc, &argv);

  pixmap = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d (
	  NULL, &bitmap, NULL, granite07);

  window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
  gtk_window_set_policy (GTK_WINDOW (window), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
  gtk_widget_set_name (window, "main window");
  gtk_widget_set_usize (window, 200, 400);
  gtk_widget_set_uposition (window, 450, 20);

  fixed = gtk_fixed_new ();
  gtk_widget_show (fixed);
  gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), fixed);

  button = gtk_event_box_new();
  gtk_widget_ref (button);
  gtk_object_set_data_full (GTK_OBJECT (fixed), "button", button,
  		(GtkDestroyNotify) gtk_widget_unref);
  gtk_widget_show (button);
  gtk_widget_set_usize (button, 100, 100);
  gtk_fixed_put (GTK_FIXED (fixed), button, 10, 10);

  ChangeBackground (button, pixmap);
  gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (fixed), "button_press_event",
	GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (on_button_press_event), NULL);

  gtk_widget_show (window);
  gtk_main ();
  return 0;

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