Re: g_ascii_strup|down

Yes, I discovered that. Here is what I wrote in Havoc's defect:

Ok, after some mail archive and doc study, I found out that
this was a conscious decision:

gchar *g_strup (gchar *)                        
     modifies in place
gchar *g_utf8_strup (const gchar *, gsize len)  
     allocates and operates like a 'n' variant
gchar *g_ascii_strup (const gchar *) 

I still think this is unfortunate. 
If you want to align g_ascii_strup with g_utf8_strup rather
than with g_strup, it should get the additional gsize parameter
in order to make s/g_strup/g_ascii_strup/g kind of conversion fail
at compile-time. Ideally, the copying variants with the len
parameter would be called _strnup / _strndown to to follow the
established naming convention for length-checking string functions.

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