Re: u/int64 support for glib, status?

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001 vishnu pobox com wrote:

> signed   unsigned
> -------- ----------
> quad     uquad         unintuitive (implies a single is 16 bits)
Actually it would mean 'quadword', which is familiar to me as an
Intel-ism, used in MMX.  A 'word' is two bytes, a dword is 32 bits, qword
is 64, and 'double quad' is 128.  Not sure why not 'octword', but it's
their decision.  Alpha and PPC have their own naming schemes which are
both quite different.

> bigint   biguint       fine, but strange to have 'u' in the middle
> bigint   ubigint       fine
Not sure I like it, because it doesn't define 'big'.

> llong    ullong        fine -- similar to <limits.h> defines
Also conceptually tied to 'long long', which means could mean something
totally different on Alpha for instance.  int and long are both 64 bits on
alpha, afaik.  What then does long long mean?  Bleagh, this naming scheme
is so bogus. ;-(

Given that we're stuck with it though, I tend to vote for llong/ullong.

      Erik Walthinsen <omega temple-baptist com> - System Administrator
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