Re: pangox.aliases on various X platforms...

Chookij Vanatham wrote:
> Hi Owen, others....
> pangox.aliases contains list of X font names for PangoFont definition.
> Unfortunately, even on various X platforms, these X font names can be
> different even for the same script.
> So, the pangox.aliases generated from CVS, I guess, that, it's for
> X86 on Linux. I'll need to change those X font names for X on Solaris.
> I think, I would need to figure out how pangox.aliases is generated and
> add the change to generate it for X on Solaris platform....
> Please let me know if this is the right direction for doing this....
> or
> any other comments...
> Thanks,
> Chookij V.

Hello all,

I seem to have the same (kind of) problem.
I'm fairly new to GTK+ and I'm trying to use it on my AIX 5.1 box.
I managed to compile it (version 2.0.0), but when I try to run a simple
Hello World program, I
get the following warning message :

hello (pid:39560): ** WARNING **: Invalid subfont 0

hello (pid:39560): ** WARNING **: Invalid subfont 0 in

hello (pid:39560): ** WARNING **: Invalid subfont 0

hello (pid:39560): ** WARNING **: Invalid subfont 0 in

I also tried by removing all the fonts in the file 'pangox.aliases' that
were unknown to
my system, but it still does it.

And nothing gets written on the button (the 'Hello World' program just
consists of a single
button with 'Hello World' written on it)

Any help would be appreciated, especially about how one could write a
proper 'pangox.aliases'
file for a particular system.

Thanks a lot.


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