Tooltips events

Hello all:

I am designing a variation of tooltips called GtkxBubble. I want my
bubbles to disappear when they are clicked with the mouse. I have copied
the code of tooltips and made some changes.

The problem is that when I attach an event handler to the tooltip window
(bubble window for me), I only get the events 10 and 11
(enter_notity_event and leave_notify_event).

How can I catch the event button_press_event?

This is a snippet of my code:

/* Creation of the bubble window */

 gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (bubble->tip_window),
     GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtkx_bubble_event_handler),

/* Handler of events */

static gint
gtkx_bubble_event_handler (GtkWidget *widget,
                            GdkEvent  *event)
    g_print("event->type=%d\n", event->type);
    /* Here, when I click on the window, it only prints 10 and 11 */

Any clues?


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