Re: Additional GdkDebugFlags?

> I'm a little concerned by cluttering the code too much with a lot of
> debug statements; it can hurt readability a lot; can you provide an
> example of the type of additions you want to make?

The debug statements are mostly already there (in gdk/win32); I don't
intend to add any debugging statements to the backend-independent
files. I just want to be able to be more selective in picking what to
trace when working on some part of the code.

> The GD/TK_DEBUG_FLAGS options were originally meant to be mostly things
> that someone using the library could conceivably be interested in
> when they were trying to figure out what was going on with their
> program.

I think that at least for the Win32 backend, they are of use only to
developers (i.e. mainly me and Hans, I guess). (And conceivably, once
some part of the code has stabilized, the GDK_NOTE statements can be
removed from there to make the code more readable.) Sometimes is might
be useful to tell a user to run some program with --gdk-debug and ask
her to send in the log file, though.


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