Little inconsistency

Take a look at file gtkliststore.c:
 * gtk_list_store_insert:
 * @list_store: A #GtkListStore
 * @iter: An unset #GtkTreeIter to set to the new row
 * @position: position to insert the new row
* Creates a new row at @position. @iter will be changed to point to this new * row. If @position is larger than the number of rows on the list, then the
 * new row will be appended to the list.  The row will be empty before
But later in this function:

list = g_slist_nth (G_SLIST (list_store->root), position - 1);

  if (list == NULL)
g_warning ("%s: position %d is off the end of the list\n", G_STRLOC, position);

This is bug, or feature? ;)

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