Re: pango-1.0.5.tar.gz is broken ?

Olivier Fourdan <fourdan xfce org> writes:

> Hi Peeter,
> Last time I checked, the pango/gtk/glib package were not able to build 
> rpm packages straight out of the box using rpmbuild.
> I guess people forgot to check/fix the spec files in the tarball.
> You need to untar the source, check and fix the <package>.spec and
> <package> files (that one is used by the configure script to
> generate the .spec file at ./configure time), re-tar the package and
> then rebuild with rpmbuild (rpm -t is deprecated anyway, use rpmbuild
> instead)

It's not a question of forgetting, it's simply:

 - I don't believe cross-distribution spec files are possible,
   so I don't want to try to maintain the GTK+/Pango spec
   files to be cross-distribution.

 - The Red Hat spec files that I maintain frequently have stuff
   in them that is highly Red Hat specific, and even patches
   against the tarballs, so I can't reuse them.

If someone sends a puts a patch in bugzilla spec files, and it looks 
plausible, I'll typically apply it, but that's all. 

When the gnome-packaging project was active, I told them that
they could do whatever they want with these spec files, but 
its pretty much moribund these days.


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