Re: Group leaders, applications

On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 06:35:38PM -0400, Owen Taylor wrote: 
> All of this is pretty easy, except maybe for process-modal dialogs, but
> it's probably the best to consider this GTK+-2.6 material at this point.
> The one exception maybe being adding gdk_display_get_default_group() 
> and making gtk_window_set_default_icon_list() affect that, since that's
> apparently needed for the gnome task list.

Well, kind of brokenly. A group is a main window plus dialogs, but the
task list doesn't include dialogs; so, this issue has somewhat gone
away, in that the right fix is to do tasklist groups based on window
class instead of window group.

At least that's my opinion right now.

The group leader's icon/title becomes relatively unimportant if we go
this route; the main point of a group then becomes to affect stacking
order (windows with no transient parent are taken as transient for the
group) and maybe other WM policies.


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