Re: [Fwd: gdk_event_get doesn't get GDK_EXPOSE]

Em Seg, 2003-12-15 ās 23:18, muppet escreveu:
> GDK doesn't handle events like you think.

	I'm just reading the docs... It says
that gdk_events_get checks for GdkEvents. Anyway...

> > Gtk works fully over Gdk, isn't it ? So how does it trap the
> > events ? (well, that question is apropriate to ask here :-D).
> GTK+ gets its events from GDK.  the expose event is received from X by
> GDK, but is caught by GTK+...  how?
> as part of gtk_init(), GTK+ installs an event handler in GDK with
> gdk_event_hander_set().

	Ok, we now have the function that must be called to set the event
handler. So we only need a function that, when called, dispatches
them to the handler. The new question is: what would be that function ?
	Henrique Dante de Almeida
	hdante terra com br

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