Re: File selector talk writeup

On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 12:23:59PM -0500, Owen Taylor wrote:
> Has a writeup of the talk I gave on Sunday at FOSDEM.
> Certainly still lots of open questions and I definitely don't make any
> concrete proposal as to what the user interface should look like, but
> I've tried to:
>  - List the relevant issues
>  - Propose a direction for how desktop integration
>    should work.
>  - Sketch out in some concrete detail what I think the 
>    API should look like.

Well, I was about to complain about not being mentioned again, but I see
ROX is used in an example :-) If you want some screenshots, there are some

That last page also includes a tutorial showing the current (python) API
to our save box.

API-wise, the most important features for DnD saving are:

- Notification of when the save finishes (so the data can be sent to the
  remove machine / application).

- A separation between where the file is actually saved and where (and
  whether) the application should report it as saved and mark it

Some examples might make it clearer:

Case 1 (normal save):

	App->GTK: Save a file, default name TextFile.
	GTK->App: Save it to ~/MyFile.
	App->GTK: Done.
	GTK->App: Data is safely saved as ~/MyFile.

Case 2 (saving to remote machine):

	App->GTK: Save a file, default name TextFile.
	GTK->App: Save it to /tmp/foo1234
	App->GTK: Done.
	GTK->App: Data is safely saved as file://

Case 3 (saving to another application):

	App->GTK: Save a file, default name TextFile.
	GTK->App: Save it to /tmp/foo1234
	App->GTK: Done.

This all assumes using a temporary file for transfers. In python, we use
stream objects, but I guess people don't want to make this so ROX-biased,
and the tmp-file solution works well enough for us.

Is this / could this be considered?

Thomas Leonard
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