GDK: Childwindows

Im working on a port of gtk (and glib/atk/pango) to a new platform (tao's intent/elate/AmigaDE)
and have some question about how childwindows work in gdk.

Rigth now I simulate the childwindow with a "full blow's" window and observe a few things

(se screenshots on for reference I know the childwindow's is not
in sync but that will come in the next release)

1. All buttons and clickable areas seems to be childwindows, why?
2. All buttons childwindows seems to be drawn black, and the gfx is in the orginal window why?
3. The aspectframe and eventbox gtk example draws some stuff in the childwindow. this gets me more confused....
   Since my assumption until I saw this was that the buttons are childwindow just to make eventhadeling easy.

And I have some option on how to implment it but that depende on how they are used
A. Use real borderless windows, (but the black stuff confuses me) moving them with the window.
B. Use extra pixmap's that are added to the "main" window, but I dont think they can live outside the window area, but
is that realy required? Will speed up things also (I still have a gdkwindow object for them)
C. Generate a gtkwindow but do nothin on the target and just handeling apropriet events that the gtkwindow... This
will speedup things but is probably not posible since some object seem to draw stuff in the childwindow.

Stefan "Zingo" Andersen   ( and

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