Re: GTK+ 2.2.0: gtk_window_move(window, 0, 0)

Ken Rastatter writes:
 > For example, the following simple test program create a TOPLEVEL
 > window and moves it to (0,0).  One should see the top, left corner
 > of the GTK window's title bar moved to the top, left corner of the
 > Windows desktop like this:

 > However, 2.2.0 moves the top, left corner of the GTK window's
 > *client area* to the top,

(thus leaving the title bar outside the screen)

How does GTK+ do this on X11? Do top-level window coordinates and
sizes take the window decorations into account or not? I have reasoned
one should not take them into account, and that all coordinates and
sizes should refer to the so-called client area.

Or should some mixture be used, for instance so that a top-level
window size specifies the client area size, but its coordinates are
the decoration's (title bar's) coordinates?


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