RE: [gimpwin-dev] Re: console window

> I have been using log domains and catching Gtk and Glib
> errors/warnings/etc... for some time now and it still insists on opening a
> console window.

If so, that is a bug then in GLib. Please open a bug report on and include a minimal but complete test program...

The intention is that a console window should open on Win32 in those
cases where a message is about to be printed to stdout or stderr, and
stdout or stderr aren't attached to a valid Win32 file handle. (This
typically happens in windowing ("GUI") applications. Window .exe files
can be marked as either "GUI" or "console". When you start a "GUI"
application without explicit output redirection it has no valid stdout
or stderr.)

I dunno, maybe this is silly, after all GLib doesn't check on Unix
that file descriptors 0 or 1 are valid before writing to them, and if
a GTK+ application is started from some X11 window manager they might
well go to the bit bucket... What do people think, should this code be
removed from gmessages.c?

I guess this boils down to, which is worse, irritating warning
messages now and then in ugly white-on-black console windows (that
some people insist calling "DOS boxes", brrrr), or losing potentially
useful warning and error messages?


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