Re: GtkFontPickerButton

On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 07:58:16PM -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 07:26:45PM -0500, Jody Goldberg wrote:
> >  
> > If work is going to be done on it I'd really like to see something
> > with the bells and whistles necessary for MS Office style selection.
> > 
> Can you give us screenshots or description or ASCII art of what this
> means? (Or say what to click on to get an example if we have Office
> XP?)

Good point.
Sadly I don't have access to Office XP, but the elements I'm
thinking of in Office 2k are :

A couple of notes
1) I did not include the strikeout button in the selector because it
   does not tend to be enabled by default.

2) Yes the toolbar entries tend to be combos, but we can add those
   later if necessary.

3) In the dialog I intentionally chose one of the more obscure uses
   of the standard dialog to highlight the addition of some custom
   descriptive text and the desensitization of some of the elements
   (the name and size in this example).
I don't advocate this as the one true UI by any stretch of the
imagination, but it does seems like a decent target feature set.

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