Re: GtkExpander/GtkDisclosure

On 13 Mar 2003 00:00:57 +0000, iain wrote:
> Indented four spaces? Or the equivalent method of indenting...
> Or perhaps indent it so that the child widget lines up with the start of
> the label
>  V Shrink Me!!!
>    I'm the hidden widget.

I'd like to propose merging this suggestion with the one by Murray Cumming
about indented containers, with slight modifications. Since the HIG
recommends grouping related items like this:

*label in bold*
    [ ] a settings checkbox
    [ ] another one

application developers are putting things in an hbox and setting up
things to look properly every time, and a simple grouping widget can
save some code and make sure the indentation is correct according to
the HIG. While we're at it, a subclass of this widget can deal with
collapsing/expanding the content of the group. (I think the arrow is
better off to the right of the lable, though, because then the label
text lines up with other groups.) So we can have

Copying files V
    Current file: moose4.jpg
	Copied: [=========                     ] 33%
	Total:  [===                           ] 12%

Furthermore, we can add a "summary" widget to this when the widget is

Copying files >   33% done

The above (except for the summary widget) has already been implemented
by Evan Martin and myself in LogJam <> though it
may not be available in CVS yet. Oh, and by the way, this RTLs correctly
without any effort on behalf of the programmer, just like packing things
in a GtkHBox usually does.

Gaal Yahas <gaal forum2 org>

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