Re: Toolbar editor

mpeseng tin it wrote:


is there any plan to have a toolbar editor based on EggMenu in libegg ?

I think it would be a good idea:
- useful for the apps ported to the new toolbar api (at least epiphany,
marlin and anjuta already need it). Some of them are already starting their
own implementation or cut/paste epiphany code. A common place to develop
it would avoid the mess.
- help to design an interface that can work for most apps
- find and fix EggMenu/EggToolbar problems regard editing before they are
included in gtk

In epiphany we started working on a drag and drop based implementation,
you can see it at:
I think it's the more usable approach but it would need some work to make
it accessible, one reason more to share the code.

Current design is based on two objects.

The model. All EditableToolbar instance share it.
EphyEditableToolbar :
The view. It has an _edit api that shows the dialog.
We will need a way to add support for custom drag and drop types and a way
for application to create EggActions for them (we use it for bookmarks in

You can see the code in epiphany module (gnome cvs)


If there is interest to have this in libegg, me and iain could mantain it,
we need to work on it for marlin and epiphany anyway.
I'd be happy to try to address eventual design problems.

Let me know.
I have been doing a bit of work on some of the basics needed for DnD toolbar editing in libegg. I don't think my work overlaps with yours (yet), and in fact might integrate quite nicely with yours.
I have some code to help use an EggToolbar as a drop target.  The first 
bit is code to draw the drop highlight as an insertion point at the 
closest boundary between two tool items.  I also added a function to 
convert the drop (x,y) coordinates to a child index, which can be used 
in the drop handler:
gint            egg_toolbar_get_drop_index  (EggToolbar      *toolbar,
                                            gint             x,
                                            gint             y);

I have also added a function to turn on an input only window over the top of a EggToolItem, so that the EggToolItem can act as a drag source even if its children want to handle button press events (such as GtkButtons, GtkEntrys, etc):
void egg_tool_item_set_use_drag_window (EggToolItem   *toolitem,
                                       gboolean       use_drag_window);

The drag window for each tool item would be turned on when toolbar customisation starts, and turned off again when customisation is finished. I am not sure I like the name of this last API though (but can't think of something better at the moment).
There is a test-drag.c program in libegg/toolbar can be used to test 
this drag code.  It simply makes the toolbar a drag target and the tool 
items drag sources, and adds a drop handler that reorders the tool items.

Email: james daa com au

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