HIG Dialog widget proposal

Hi all,

I've developed a simple widget for doing HIG-style alert dialogs, it has
replaced all GtkMessageDialogs in the GNOME System Tools and a has a
quite simple API:

GtkWidget* gst_hig_dialog_new (GtkWindow         *parent,
             GtkDialogFlags     flags,
             GstHigMessageType  type,
             const gchar       *primary_text,
             const gchar       *secondary_text,
             const gchar       *first_button_text,
             ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF (6, 7);

void gst_hig_dialog_set_primary_text (GstHigDialog *dialog,
             const gchar  *message_format,
             ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF (2, 3);
void gst_hig_dialog_set_secondary_text (GstHigDialog *dialog,
             const gchar  *message_format,
             ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF (2, 3);
void gst_hig_dialog_set_extra_widget (GstHigDialog *dialog,
             GtkWidget    *extra_widget);

you may look at the code at:

now, the question is: could be there some plans to include a HIG alert
widget for gtk+2.6? if so, could it be worth to include this widget in
libegg for testing? I obviously offer to maintain and improve it with
all the suggestions


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