Re: DnD through in-proc plug/sockets

On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 12:22, Alexander Larsson wrote:
> I have a problem with dnd in nautilus. It seems that drag_motion in the
> icon and list views are called with the wrong coordinates. Tracing
> through the recursive calls in gtk_drag_find_widget() it seems
> everything goes wrong in the BonoboPlug (which is a GtkPlug
> essentially). The coordinates returned from gdk_window_get_position for
> it seems to be the absolute position of the plug.
> I don't know what the right thing to do here is? Why is it returning the
> absolute position? Why did this work before? Should we just check for
> !GTK_IS_PLUG in addition to !GTK_WIDGET_NO_WINDOW in
> gtk_drag_find_widget? 

This sounds like some sort of GDK bug ... gdk_window_get_position()
should certainly be returning relative coordinates for that window,
which when is reparented into a local window, is basically just


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